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Food Evolution film a cesspool of pesticide industry propaganda, narrated by GMO propagandist Neil deGrasse Tyson
By D. Samuelson
Neil deGrasse Tyson becomes the voice of EVIL, narrating new propaganda film “Food Evolution” produced by Monsanto shills and pesticide pushers
By Robert Jonathan
Food Evolution film created by Monsanto shills and propaganda front groups like the ACSH, run by a convicted felon
By Robert Jonathan
Climate change propagandists turn to FAKE SCIENCE VIDEO that falsely claims Manhattan will be under water in 60 years
By Ethan Huff
“Monsanto Mafia” just produced a corporate propaganda film called “Food Evolution” produced by violent psychopath shills who promote GMOs and pesticides
By Ethan Huff
Weather Channel founder tells CNN “climate change is a hoax” … 31,000 scientists agree
By Tracey Watson
Neil deGrasse Tyson joins efforts of violent wife beater Jon Entine and convicted felon ringleader of ACSH to produce Monsanto propaganda film called “Food Evolution”
By Mike Adams
Climate change propagandists admit that “facts” don’t add up with the public, so they’re working on more influential language strategies to convince people who are “confused” by the lack of evidence
By D. Samuelson
The Conspiracy Against Saturated Fat: Dr. Jack Wolfson responds to the American Heart Association’s ignorant attack on coconut oil
By Mike Adams
BRAINWASHED: Climate change activists have been convinced to support the very thing that will murder Mother Nature and collapse our world: Reductions in carbon dioxide
By Vicki Batts
High priced anti-viral drugs do NOTHING to prevent hepatitis C, study finds
By Tracey Watson
Monsanto shill proclaims “there is no ‘right to know’ if a food is GMO considering that GMOs are practically impossible to define”
By Cassie B.
Why Elon Musk is a fast talking hustler who preys upon scientifically illiterate bureaucrats to siphon billions of dollars from taxpayers
By Ethan Huff
Climate buffoon Al Gore said on national TV that rising ocean levels are already causing fish to be seen “swimming in the streets” of Miami
By Ethan Huff
Why exiting the Paris Climate Accord helps America’s poorest
By Cassie B.
War on weed: Cannabis can make your teeth fall out, claims ridiculous study
By Tracey Watson
Elon Musk, CLIMATE HYPOCRITE: He flies around on a fuel-guzzling private jet while claiming fossil fuels will destroy the Earth
By D. Samuelson
Flu shots found to be totally USELESS for overweight people, yet immunization propaganda claims they work for everyone
By Tracey Watson
Fake Food: GMO crops have been a massive failure on every level
By Cassie B.
Al Gore confuses TIDES with global warming ocean rise apocalypse, claims fish are “swimming in the streets” of Miami due to climate change
By Mike Adams
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