News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Big Pharma controls the entire rigged system from doctors to politicians
Over the course of a single year, the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) published 73 studies about new drugs, and an astounding 82 percent of these were funded by Big Pharma. About 68 percent of the authors were also employees of the companies that produce the drugs, while 50 percent of the lead researchers […]
By Ethan Huff
Trans-pushing researchers publish fake study claiming that puberty blockers and hormones improve mental health of transgender children
Researchers from Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington-Seattle released a study claiming that so-called “transgender” youth end up much happier when they are allowed to go on puberty blockers and hormone pharmaceuticals versus having to stick with their own natural biology. The problem is that this claim is the exact opposite of what […]
By Ethan Huff
NEJM study proves that methodologies behind covid vaccine research are rigged
The way that most research studies approach the issue of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” safety is inherently and intentionally flawed. The study designs use contrived definitions, for example, which transfer huge amounts of risk as part of a process dubbed as “baysian datacrime.” The bad cattitude substack explains how the definition of “vaccinated” suddenly included […]
By Ethan Huff
Science papers now subject to extreme censorship if they question the “official” narrative on anything: COVID, AIDS, vaccines, climate, virology and more
The “moderators” at Cornell University‘s arXiv server, an open-access archive and free distribution service for scientific material, have been censoring scientific studies that they claim contain “inflammatory content and unprofessional language.” A “preprint server” for preliminary versions of scientific studies that are moderated but not yet peer-reviewed or published, arXiv is supposed to be neutral […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change alarmists now say they’re AGAINST greening planet Earth because plants cause pollen allergies
The global warming narrative is shifting once again as climate change alarmists decry the “greening” of the planet. New climate models released by the University of Michigan claim that increased plant growth around the world due to supposedly warmer temperatures is a bad thing because, get this: it will supposedly boost pollen allergies. Planet Earth […]
By Ethan Huff
48 Top global scientists sign declaration denouncing Fauci’s gain of function research, warning it could lead to planetary extinction
A cohort of the world’s top scientists is calling on the gain of function research that led to the creation of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) to be banned worldwide. Because it has “the potential for the extinction of large portions of the world population,” gain of function research needs to be strictly prohibited everywhere, say […]
By Ethan Huff
HIGHLY SUSPECT: Biopharmaceutical company unveils antibodies that inhibit daratumumab, a drug that “easily treats” hemorrhagic fever
Evidence has emerged suggesting that Big Pharma may already be preparing for the next plandemic. A biopharmaceutical company called Bio-Rad has reportedly developed antibodies that inhibit a drug called daratumumab from binding to receptors in the body and stopping infection with hemorrhagic fever. As we reported, there is speculation that hemorrhagic fever may have been released […]
By Ethan Huff
Science journal claims wearing PANTY HOSE on your head makes covid masks fit better… will they next tell people to wear thongs on their faces?
Researchers from the United States and the United Kingdom now claim that the best way to wear a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) face mask to protect against the spread of Fauci Germs is to first layer it with women’s panty hose. Describing the bizarre technique as a “fit hack,” the study claims that KN95 and other […]
By Ethan Huff
Exposed: For decades, the CIA funded evil experiments on Danish orphans
Danish Radio recently aired a report about how scores of children in Denmark, many of them children, were subjected to CIA-funded experiments during the 1960s and 1970s. While the purpose of these experiments remains unknown, we know that what these poor children went through is a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which requires that anyone […]
By Ethan Huff
CDC admits PCR tests are a fraud… so what about the last two years, then?
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is finally admitting that PCR tests have no place in trying to detect the presence of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) inside a person’s body. Rochelle Walensky, the fake federal agency’s top dog, told ABC News in a recent interview that the “new science” shows that PCR tests do not work, […]
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