News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Vaccine industry stages FAKE FLU SHOT using syringe with no needle as part of vaccine propaganda push
Canadian Health Minister Christine Elliott recently made an appearance at a Rexall drugstore in Ontario where she claims to have gotten a “free” flu shot. But video evidence shows that there wasn’t actually a needle in the syringe that was pressed up against her arm, proving once again that when it comes to politicians, it’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change scientists LIE about everything by cherry picking different time windows for every study, graph or news announcement
The theory of man-made climate change only makes sense if you tweak the timelines around to say what you want them to say. This is what the climate lobby does every single day by claiming that the world is getting hotter, or that arctic ice is melting, neither of which is true if you look […]
By Ethan Huff
It’s all a scam: Al Gore a major investor in fake meat company while pushing fake climate science scare over real meat
The political establishment has taken to bashing meat in its latest installment of Climate Propaganda 2019, with the Democratic contenders for the presidency all basically suggesting that it might be time for the government to restrict meat-eating in order to save the planet from climate change. And wouldn’t you know it, but none other than […]
By Ethan Huff
Study confirms that man-made climate change is completely fake (so much for consensus…)
Just how much of a threat to the subsistence of our planet is man-made climate change, according to the latest scientific data? It’s not actually a threat at all, it turns out, because man-made climate change doesn’t exist. This is the conclusion of a new study out of Finland, in which researchers from the University […]
By Ethan Huff
Science deniers: ABC News claims an unborn baby’s heartbeat is just a “belief,” not a fact
When it comes to Leftist thinking, feelings always trump facts. And there’s perhaps no better example of this than the many deranged ideologies held by today’s Democrats, including their belief that anyone who humanizes unborn babies and says that they have heartbeats is expressing mere conservative opinion, rather than scientific fact. This is what Steve […]
By Ethan Huff
Yes, Elon Musk is completely full of crap with claims about “fully” self-driving cars
After deciding recently to end his company’s partnership with established computer chip manufacturer Nvidia Corp., Tesla’s Elon Musk went on a bragging spree, making all sorts of false claims about how his company’s new proprietary chip technology is somehow “the best in the world” – which couldn’t be further from the truth. In typical technocrat […]
By Ethan Huff
Mass media celebration of woman scientist credited for black hole image was bogus… even SCIENCE is now pushing a liberal agenda
In its rush to politicize on the basis of gender, the world’s first computer-generated image of a “black hole,” the mainstream media has once again been caught propagating politically-correct “fake news” by falsely attributing the image’s creation to a female whose algorithms weren’t even used to generate said image. For days, Left Cult writers, pundits, […]
By Ethan Huff
Why the vaccine industry REFUSES to conduct clinical trials using a genuine placebo control group
The next time someone tries to tell you that the science is “settled” on vaccine safety and effectiveness, you might want to bring up the fact that the alleged “science” upon which the vaccination house of cards was, and is still being, built is fundamentally flawed at its very core. Truth be told, there isn’t […]
By Ethan Huff
Same scientists who claim “climate science is settled” just announced that Earth’s atmosphere is 50 times larger than the planet itself… oops
It’s a pretty safe bet to assume that whenever mainstream “scientists” declare that the science is “settled” on a certain subject – think “climate change” and “global warming” – they’re most certainly wrong, and will one day have egg on their face when the truth is finally revealed. A recent example of this has to […]
By Ethan Huff
STATINS FAIL: Another scientific study shows statin drugs to be totally worthless at protecting against anything
A class of drugs that doctors from Imperial College London say should be handed out like ketchup packets as “preventative medicine” to the public has once again been shown to be completely useless. A new study published in the peer-reviewed journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that statins, which are often hawked as the golden goose […]
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