News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
SCIENCE HOAX: Academic journal publishes completely fabricated “study” claiming conservatives wipe their butts with their left hands, while liberals prefer their right
A professor at the Royal Holloway, University of London enjoyed a good laugh recently after submitting an obviously fake study to a prominent academic journal, which accepted and published it – no questions asked. Gary Lewis claimed to have conducted extensive research into the bathroom habits of conservatives and liberals, concluding that those on the […]
By Ethan Huff
Science Magazine celebrates mass slaughter of human beings, refuses to say it was evil… sounds just like the depopulation eugenics pushers today
A “science journalist” who writes for Science Magazine wants the world to know that human sacrifice is actually a good thing – just so long as it’s done by people with brown skin (never whites!) who claim it as part of their “cultural heritage.” In a recent tweet about a cover story she wrote for […]
By Ethan Huff
NATURE science journal absurdly argues that transgenders and gays magically produce better science than anyone else
One of the most (formerly) prestigious scientific journals in the world, Nature, has gone completely off the deep end with the publishing of an editorial that calls for more “diversity” in the sciences, because white people are bad. The paper basically claims that science could be a whole lot better if there were more transgenders, […]
By Ethan Huff
CLAIM: Feminist tech leader completely faked the “science” of now-discredited Theranos scheme
Remember Elizabeth Holmes, the infamous blonde-haired entrepreneur that the mainstream media at one time hailed as “the next Steve Jobs” in female form? A new book tells all about the trail of deceit, fraud, and “femsplaining” that this former head of the now-defunct Theranos corporation engaged in on her unscrupulous quest toward greatness. Holmes, in […]
By Ethan Huff
Liberal college professor thinks women are too STUPID to study the sciences, so he decides to give them all an artificial grade boost to “compete” with men
Do women need an academic mulligan, of sorts, in order to excel in the traditionally male field of science? A professor of information systems at The University of Akron in Ohio apparently thinks so, as he recently announced to his class via email that all of his female students would be receiving an automatic grade […]
By Ethan Huff
Fake scientist Bill Nye went from educating children to advocating their murder: He’s now speaking for Planned Parenthood and pushing population control
Former PBS “Science Guy” Bill Nye recently spoke at a fundraising event in San Antonio for Planned Parenthood of South Texas, a regional chapter of Planned Parenthood of America that he openly praised for its continued murder of unborn babies as part of a larger population reduction agenda, which he says is also helping to […]
By Ethan Huff
New England Journal of Medicine contorts statistics to absurdly claim that gun deaths are largely caused by NRA members
A popular medical journal recently took a swipe at the Second Amendment with the publishing of a ridiculous letter to the editor that claims firearm-related injuries drop every year during the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association (NRA) – the implication being that law-abiding gun-owners are largely responsible for gun-associated injuries and deaths in […]
By Ethan Huff
Boston Marathon goes to war with women, allows biological MEN to compete against women (even when they have high testosterone)
The official policy of the Boston Marathon has reportedly evolved to allow mentally-ill biological males to compete against biological females, even when these biological males don’t actually undergo “transition” surgeries and hormone treatments to make themselves more effeminate as a legitimate “transgender.” According to reports, the only thing that a biological male needs to do […]
By Ethan Huff
Independent journalism investigation reveals the CDC to be hopelessly corrupt when it comes to vaccine safety research
More damning truths about corruption at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been uncovered by investigators from the World Mercury Project, revealing that the nation’s top public health agency has been actively working alongside criminal elements to hide the facts about the dangers of vaccines. Information compiled as part of Freedom […]
By Ethan Huff
CNN caught in the most outrageous vaccine-autism FAKE NEWS headline lie we’ve seen yet
A new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics that disingenuously declares no connection between vaccines and autism is being paraded around by the mainstream media as more “proof” that vaccines are completely safe. Of course, included among these is CNN, which in typical fake news fashion completely skews the truth in order to push […]
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