News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
NIH Director Francis Collins conspired with Fauci in a propaganda effort to “take down” scientists who discussed the harms of lockdowns
Francis Collins, the retiring director of the National Institutes of Health, has worked tirelessly to promote tyrannical lockdowns, genetic experiments and the ongoing deprivation of human rights. During the covid-19 scandal, Collins also fought hard to quash dissent. In fact, when scientists convened at the American Institute for Economic Research to discuss the harms of […]
By Lance D Johnson
Dr. Fauci ran grotesque AIDS vaccine experiments on minority children in the 90s, causing organ failure, deformities, brain damage
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s quest to inoculate children with needless, immune-suppressing, heart-damaging vaccines is a repeat of his own history. A 2004 documentary film, “Guinea Pig Kids” shines a light on the cruel and inhumane medical experiments that took place on underprivileged, minority children in the early 1990s. These inhumane medical experiments were conducted on presumably […]
By Lance D Johnson
Australian mandatory mask propagandists EXPOSED in major medical journal
Following in the footsteps of communist China, the Australian government adopted some of the most totalitarian approaches to “public health” – threatening human rights and experimenting on populations through coercion and force. Back in July of 2020, the Victoria Department of Health and Human Services ordered all residents to wear face masks outside their home, […]
By Lance D Johnson
New study on 41,000 people reveals that taking vaccines INCREASES a person’s risk of hospitalization
There’s more than meets the eye with the latest “vaccine efficacy” study published by the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). The study in question, “Effectiveness of covid-19 vaccines in ambulatory and in patient care settings,” was immediately featured by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to advertise covid-19 vaccines. Upon further investigation of the […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci emails reveal a paranoid and panicked NIH, doing damage control to conceal lab origins of SARS-CoV-2
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has unveiled over 3,000 emails involving disgraced public health official, Dr. Anthony Fauci. The emails are from the early days of covid-19. The emails are redacted in areas of significant concern, but they provide valuable insight into the deceitful motivations of Dr. Fauci, the director of the National […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC alters PCR testing guidelines to artificially boost vaccine “efficacy” and blame unvaccinated for “outbreaks”
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are using deliberate acts of deception, medical fraud and data manipulation to artificially boost the appearance of “efficacy” for the new mRNA vaccine experiments. The fraud is out in the open as of May 1, 2021 because the CDC made sweeping new policy changes that fraudulently alter the definition […]
By Lance D Johnson
Al Gore endorses the “great reset” while other media outlets continue to claim it’s a “conspiracy theory”
On NBC’s Today Show, former vice President Al Gore endorsed the global plot to take over the economy and energy sector of all sovereign, developed nations. Al Gore said it is time for the “Great Reset.” Now, media outlets have claimed that this is a “conspiracy theory,” that there is no plan to reset the […]
By Lance D Johnson
SCIENCE FRAUD: Covid-19 vaccines were manufactured and stockpiled by the military long before they were tested and “approved”
The largest looting operation of the year had to be the federal government’s $20+ billion “Operation Warp Speed” vaccination program, a taxpayer-funded gambit that promised a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine before the 2020 election. Because the emergency vaccine program did not seek consent from American taxpayers, the final distribution plan will similarly coerce compliance […]
By Lance D Johnson
Forbes.com censors climate scientist who apologized for using 30 years of scare tactics to sell climate change hoax
Accustomed to manipulating the emotions of environmentalists and other well-intentioned liberals, the left-wing media has been using scare tactics to sell climate change for many years. These climate doom scare tactics not only boost readership, but they rally support for political agendas and funnel hundreds of millions of dollars to their causes. A high profile […]
By Lance D Johnson
The ultimate scam: How Al Gore became the world’s first “carbon billionaire” by profiting off irrational climate fears
One of the greatest scams of the 21st century started with former vice president Al Gore, who influentially introduced the concept of “global warming” to the world. Now, the truth about Gore’s “global warming” scam is documented in a new book by Marc Morano, titled, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, available at Barnes and […]
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