News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
The climate change vaccine: “Inoculate” your mind against the biggest hoax EVER
Vaccines are supposed to protect against disease infection, and since the mass conspiracy theory that humans are now the main cause of hot summers, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis is highly infectious, shouldn’t “healthy” humans have some way to protect themselves against Climate Change Cult (CCC) syndrome? Is someone you know battling the Climate Change Death […]
By S.D. Wells
GENDER AGENDA: How can Neil Tyson call himself a man of “science” when he says that men can become women?
Any one at any time can simply declare they are an elephant or a rhinoceros, but obviously that does not make it so. Children do it all the time to use their imagination and pretend. Today, children, teenagers, and adults can pretend, at any time, to be the other gender, and they can do this […]
By S.D. Wells
“Science” achieves CONSENSUS via CENSORSHIP, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson cheers it on
The “science” is always “settled,” except when it’s not. Science is ongoing research that can advance, change, alter, morph, or even be wrong based on some “consensus” that was reached due to favorable evidence at some point in time. The “scientific community” has become nothing short of an authoritarian dictatorship that shoves theories down everyone’s […]
By S.D. Wells
Doctors and nurses everywhere now admitting Covid masks do NOT work, so it WAS part of the scamdemic and communist manifesto all along
What happened to “follow the science?” Walk into just about any doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital in America right now and they are not requiring visitors, patients, doctors, or nurses to wear Covid masks anymore, and ask them why and they say, “because they don’t really work.” According to NIH and a huge international study […]
By S.D. Wells
“Trust the Science?” … or follow the MONEY and find out the science was faked? Pharma drives “science” outcomes to fit their desired endpoints – patented drug sales
We are all fiercely coerced to “trust the science” and “follow the science” in this country or be labeled an anti-science blasphemer, who is responsible for destroying lives, the environment, and ruining the entire advancement of civilization. Yet, the root of all science lives in questioning the science, rigorously always testing the science, re-examining it, […]
By S.D. Wells
Shady “Clean Label Project” seemingly running “black box” junk science operation that rates clean protein powders as contaminated based on sketchy “detectable” heavy metals claims
It is looking more and more like the “Clean Label Project” is just a huge scam project that falsely accuses certain protein powders of being heavily contaminated with heavy metals, when all they’re doing is pointing out that heavy metals were “detectable” at the parts per billion level. If this were the standard, nearly every […]
By S.D. Wells
Modern medicine has gone to cr@p – now human sewage has become the justification to push vaccines when no one is actually sick
New York’s Democrat-extremist Governor, Kathy Hochul, has declared a fake “state of emergency” for the garbage state in order to help push unnecessary and dangerous polio vaccines on the populace. Hochul is a pharma shill who toes the line for Big Pharma, saying and doing anything they want, at any moment in time. According to […]
By S.D. Wells
Bill Gates pushing to transform natural bananas into GMO FRANKENFOOD
Well folks, we’re going straight from Bill Gates’ zombie eggs made in secret laboratories to Franken-banana clones he’s funding with creepy CRISPR-DNA-editing molecules. No, bananas are not facing extinction, but it’s just another excuse to turn a perfectly normal, healthy kind of fruit into a Frankenfood that does God-only-knows-what to the human body. Yes, scientists […]
By S.D. Wells
VIRUS MANIA PART III: Perpetual “state of emergency” the new normal for America, as long as the CDC writes the script
There has never been a more primed example of virus mania in the world than what is going on right now with COVID-19. Just recently, the CDC and corporate media have pushed out the latest, “most dangerous” propaganda about the Ninja variant of COVID-19, also known as BA. 5, in order to push more bioweapon […]
By S.D. Wells
VIRUS MANIA PART II: Anthony Fauci is just the latest in a long line of virus hucksters and con artists going way back in history
It is true that Anthony “Fraudulent” Fauci is at the epicenter of the SARS-Coronavirus scamdemic that has cost millions of lives around the globe while padding the pockets of Big Pharma gurus around the planet, including himself. Fauci was instrumental in funding the research for “gain of function,” that enabled a strictly animal virus to […]
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