News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Edward Jenner, the supposed “Father of Immunology,” was a complete huckster and fraud who never passed a single medical examination in his life – OpEd
For several centuries, smallpox was a major problem. Then, in the late 1800s, doctors and scientists began more in-depth research regarding disinfection practices and steam sterilization. Revolutionary surgical instruments (metal and non-metal) were made with smooth surfaces and from materials that could withstand high-heat sterilization. Then, in the 1900s, doctors and scientists began using irradiation, […]
By S.D. Wells
BEYOND HILARIOUS: Penn Jillette now believes in GENDER MAGIC, even though he spent his entire life attacking “pseudo-science” (opinion)
(Op-Ed) One might recognize Penn Jillette as an American magician, who’s latest magic show involves him instantly changing his lifetime position of skepticism of “pseudo-science” into the belief that males and females are exactly the same, per his latest gender-bending science “act.” This is no longer the “Penn & Teller” show, but now the “Penn & Story Teller” […]
By S.D. Wells
MISINFORMATION CENTRAL: Fake Denmark Study and its reviews suggest if you already beat Covid naturally you STILL need clot shots
In early 2020, from March to May, during the first surge of Covid, Denmark ran free-of-charge PCR tests on 70 percent of their population, about 4 million people, and used the warped data to craft estimates about SARS-CoV-2 repeat infection. Then, the researchers took statistics from those who tested positive the first round, in order […]
By S.D. Wells
If SCIENCE was so compelling and so true, it would be self-evident and would require no mandates or censorship
From telescopes to the printing press, we’ve seen technology merge with science to provide some of the most useful tools humans have ever seen. Now, with the internet and high tech software, organizing knowledge, spreading the news of it, and creating massive databases breaking into new frontiers, there is unlimited potential. But with knowledge comes […]
By S.D. Wells
Fake climate change WARNING issued by IEA, blaming post-Covid re-opening of small and medium-sized businesses for 5% spike in CO2 emissions
Consider yourself warned, world. Stay on lock down, wear that suffocating mask all day, go broke and starve to death, or face the wrath of a boiling Earth. As reported by the IEA, the International Energy Agency, we are under “dire warning” because since we’ve re-opened businesses post Covid, citizens are causing a five percent […]
By S.D. Wells
Mouse-to-human FAIL: Mini-kidney “organoids” grown from human stem cells do NOT mimic human kidney growth, instead begin developing their own brains
Our scientific world of discovery and invention is, for the most part, breathtaking and amazing, but some “visionary” scientists think they can accomplish anything and everything in a laboratory, including growing human organs from stem cells. We all know that genetically modified organisms in food have been an epic fail, adding to the cancer and […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 4 FAKE NEWS science websites are run by biotech clowns who promote chemical-laden food and toxic medicine as “safe and effective”
Every major “science” website found in a Google search yields front page results featuring corporations and companies that refuse to do any research whatsoever regarding natural medicine and organic food curing diseases and disorders. That’s because in America, if you don’t mix toxic chemicals in beakers and alter or mutate plant and animal DNA in […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 “causes” and “proof” of global warming – that aren’t actually happening at all
Every single global warming believer and propagandist has changed their name for the big “science-based” lie to “climate change” because it’s just too dang obvious that nothing humans are doing is making the world “heat up.” The global warming scam has been thoroughly debunked, on every level, including science, data, and by Mother Nature herself. […]
By S.D. Wells
Dr. Paul Offit EXPOSED as the “Skeptical Raptor” internet troll and science bully — exclusive inside story
Imagine if you found out from your doctor that you had breast cancer, or that your child developed autism after the pediatrician administered too many chemical medications too close together. What if, immediately after you asked him a few important questions, he ran to his computer and bad-mouthed you in an incessant rant for thousands of […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 GMO-promoting information sources to AVOID at all costs
One of the worst things that can happen to you in life is when you are educated improperly. Learning false information, propaganda and distorted facts leads to bad decisions and a thought “infrastructure” that takes twice the amount of work to deconstruct and rebuild properly. The concept and scientific craft of genetically modifying organisms is […]
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