By Jayson Veley
Netflix now mentally terrorizing children with scary climate alarmism embedded in “Magic School Bus” propaganda cartoon
Once upon a time, cartoons were about coyotes that blew themselves up with sticks of dynamite and cats that would always be outsmarted by mice. But we live in a much different time now, and cartoons, much like virtually everything else in American society, have been infected by the cancer that is progressivism. The Magic School […]
By Jayson Veley
Science journal “Whiteness and Education” turns out to be politicized junk science with fake peer reviews
If you were to submit a research paper to a journal in the social sciences, it would typically go through an extensive peer review process and wouldn’t be published for at least several weeks. This is not the case when it comes to the popular journal Whiteness and Education, however, which despite claiming to have […]
By Jayson Veley
New York Times retroactively swaps documents to rig climate change article
We have reached a point in America where the intentional spread of misinformation from the mainstream media is almost to be expected. Journalism is dead, and in its place exists an ongoing effort to not only advance the progressive agenda, but also to discredit and delegitimize President Trump. Case in point: The phony, left wing […]
By Mike Adams
Liberal science denialism exposed: Transgenderism, pot vs. tobacco smoke and chemical castration
Although they frequently invoke “science” in an effort to support their politics, liberals hold shocking science contradictions that make no rational sense whatsoever. In a new mini-documentary, I take aim at three of the most striking “progressive” science contradictions circulating across the culture today: They claim pesticides interfere with human biology and are dangerous to […]
By Jayson Veley
Canada just criminalized using the wrong gender pronouns in latest Orwellian “hate speech” insanity dreamed up by Leftists
Even though Donald Trump is our president and Republicans control both chambers of congress, bits and pieces of the progressive agenda still run rampant throughout the United States. Colleges and universities, for example, are replete with professors who spend countless lectures indoctrinating their students on matters relating to social justice and political correctness. As it […]
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