By S.D. Wells
GLOBAL FREEZING and the “carbon footprint” SCAM of the century, featuring famous actor Billy Bob Thornton blowing the whistle on it all
The beaches around the world are not shrinking, like Al Gore swore they would more than 20 years ago. The earth is not getting hotter by the year, like the falsified NASA charts displayed to gaslight climate alarmism, as those graphs only highlighted a few hot trends here and there over the past century, ignoring […]
By S.D. Wells
The decline of mortality attributed to vaccination rates is HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE according to graphs of Measles, Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria and Smallpox
Nearly all pro-vaccination humans have one thing in common: They believe that the relative diseases and virus rates of infection for each vaccination significantly dropped after mass vaccination began, along with the chance of death from infectious diseases, and that vaccines have saved humanity from the worst infections on earth; however, they have all been […]
By Ethan Huff
Sunlight and clouds, not CO2, responsible for planetary climate changes
Ned Nikolov, a physical researcher and scientist affiliated with Colorado State University, is speaking out about the false claims of the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concerning the agency’s claims that carbon dioxide (CO2) is destroying the planet. On August 14, President Biden released a National Heat Strategy for 2024-2030 report […]
By Ethan Huff
CDC releases report claiming vaccines have saved 1.1 million lives; experts call it “laughable”
The many dozens of “safe and effective” vaccines that children in the United States typically receive after birth have saved hundreds of millions of them from illness and death, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in a new report that experts are calling “laughable.” The CDC’s latest Morbidity and Mortality […]
By Olivia Cook
Professor William Happer: More CO2 is good for the world
Last year, William Happer, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Princeton University, spoke on Sky News Australia about common misconceptions in climate science, particularly the negative perception of carbon dioxide (CO2). “More CO2 is beneficial for the world, not harmful. It’s absurd to try to reduce CO2,” he stated. (Related: Carbon dioxide revealed as the “Miracle Molecule […]
By Laura Harris
Pro-life expert debunks claim that abortion restrictions are linked to maternal deaths
A recent review by a prominent pro-life researcher disputes the claims of the Commonwealth Fund regarding the impact of pro-life laws on women’s health services. On July 18, the Commonwealth Fund, a health care foundation, released a report stating the disparities in women’s health and reproductive care across the United States. These disparities are attributed […]
By Ethan Huff
Climate change is creating so much global GREENING that even fanatics are noticing as they panic about shrinking deserts
Almost everywhere around the world right now deserts are shrinking as greening accelerates, prompting climate fanatics to change course by demanding that something now be done to “Save the deserts!” Climate fanatics have long complained about desertification caused by climate change and the excess release of “greenhouse gases” like carbon dioxide (CO2). These deranged people […]
By Kevin Hughes
Study: Claim that CO2 drives temperature changes is just a FALSE NARRATIVE
The popular claims that carbon dioxide (CO2) drives global temperature changes presently or throughout the distant past “are based on imagination and climate models full of assumptions.” This is according to an extensive study on the matter recently published by Demetris Koutsoyiannis titled “Stochastic assessment of temperature–CO2 causal relationship in climate from the Phanerozoic through […]
By News Editors
BMJ slaps down Scientific American’s Laura Helmuth for unscientific trans activism
In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth promoting transgender care for children, despite scientific evidence showing such treatment has had “devastating consequences” for minors. (Article by Paul D. Thacker republished from DisinformationChronicle.Substack.com) “Laws preventing trans kids […]
By Ethan Huff
Scientists FAIL to deliberately infect trial participants with COVID, proving that germ theory is a FRAUD
Scientists in Great Britain are working on a new project aimed at developing new “vaccines” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and in the process they have inadvertently learned that germ theory, the idea that people get sick from “catching germs,” is a hoax. In trying to deliberately infect trial participants with the latest COVID strains […]
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